Qashida Burdah

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful and the Most Beneficent. May Allah shower the best of salutations and blessings on our Master Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

This blog is dedicated to the promotion of the famous Qasīdat al-Burda “Poem of the Mantle”  composed by the eminent Sufi, Imam al-Busiri of Egypt. The poem whose actual title is al-Kawākib ad-Durrīya fī Madḥ Khayr al-Barīya  “The Celestial Lights in Praise of the Best of Creation”), is famous in the Muslim world. It is entirely in praise of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

Al-Busiri narrated the circumstances of his inspiration to write the Burdah:

I had composed a number of praise poems for the Prophet, Allah bless Him and salute Him with peace, including one that was suggested to me by my friend Zayn al-Dīn Yʿaqūb b. al-Zubayr. Some time after that, I was stricken by fālij (stroke), an illness that paralyzed half of my body. I thought that I would compose this poem, and so I made supplications to the Prophet Muhammad, Allah bless Him and salute Him with peace, to intercede for me and (and ask God to) cure me. I repeatedly sang the poem, wept, prayed, and asked for intercession. Then I slept and in my dream, I saw the Prophet, Allah bless Him and salute Him with peace. He wiped my face with His blessed hands and covered me in His Mantle (Burdah). Then I woke up and found I was able to walk; so I got up and left my house. I had told no one about what had happened.

I encountered a Sufi (faqīr) on my way and he said to me: “I want you to give me the poem in which you praise the Prophet, Allah bless Him and salute Him with peace.”

I said: “Which one?”So he said: ”The one that you composed during your sickness.”

Then he recited the first verse and said: “I swear by God that I heard it in a dream last night being sung in the presence of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah bless Him and salute Him with peace. I saw the Prophet, Allah bless Him and salute Him with peace, was pleased with it and covered the person who sang it with His Mantle.”

So I recited the poem to him and he memorized it and related his vision to others.

— Imam al-Busiri

In this site you will get different version of the ‘Qashida Burdah’ in different languages. Do use it for your own benefit and spread it to others for the benefit of the Muslim Ummah.

  1. Qashida Burdah with Bangla Pronunciation and Bangla Meaning including original Arabic version (qashidah-burdah-bangla-pronunciation-and-meaning)
  2. Qashida Burdah with Bangla Pronunciation and Bangla Meaning including original Arabic version(Qashidah Burdah-Bangla Pronunciation only)
  3. Qashida Burdah with  English Meaning including original Arabic version by Syed Mohiuddin Qadri (Mohammed-al-Busiri-Qasidat-al-Burda)
  4. Qashida Burdah English Translation by Sheikh Zakariyya (Qasida-Burda-by-Shaykh-Zakariyya-English-Edition)
  5. Qashida Burdah English Translation and original Arabic by Sheikh Zakariyya (Qasida_burdah-Arabic-English-Translation)
  6. Qashida Burdah English Transliteration (Qasida Burdah Shareef-English Transliteration)
  7. Qashida Burdah with Bangla Bangla Meaning and original Arabic (Kasida-E-Burda-ImamBusiri(RA)-with Bangla Meaning)


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